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Senior Web Frontend Engineer



Software Engineering
Palo Alto, CA, USA
Posted on Thursday, June 15, 2023
Our mission is to drive manufacturing efficiencies through technology that empowers teams to build products better, faster, and with less waste. Brands like Bose, Cisco, and SolarEdge use our technology to optimize their manufacturing processes and deliver superior products in less time.
In this role, you will extend the frontend of the web application our customers use to interact with data we collect from their assembly lines.
Here are some examples of projects we’ve released recently! --
Intelligent data correlations help hardware engineers find the root cause of manufacturing issues in minutes, while it used to take days or weeks.
“High mix” tools enable new categories of customers with diverse products to have a much smoother experience with Instrumental.
In-app comments enable our users to collaborate quickly and ensure everyone shares context.

What’s awesome about this role is:

  • Build unique ML-powered features: We build tools that no one even realized were possible before we delivered them. Figuring out new interactions and visualizations that help customers extract insight from their data is a fun challenge!
  • Great engineering experience: For example, frontend deploys involve running a single command, so we deploy frequently and with confidence. We have “branch environments” to test any pull request in a production-like environment with real data. We have robust tests. And our code is designed for rapid iteration and minimizing surprises.
  • Learning & growth: Between working on features the world has never seen before, collaborating with a crazy smart team, diving deep into our modern TypeScript codebase, and the value we place on personal growth, we will help you expand your technical, product, and communication skills. Not to mention you will learn all kinds of crazy things about how physical things break.
  • Impact: This is a critical role to unlock high-priority features on Instrumental’s roadmap, at a company whose mission is huge - to improve how physical things are made.

We’re looking for someone who:

  • Has written web app frontends for at least 5 years, not all using one framework
  • Is excited to be part of the product process and takes a user-oriented view of their work. We won’t ask you to be a PM or designer - you will spend most of your time coding or reviewing code - but we expect you to collaborate and take ownership when we don’t have detailed acceptance criteria or comprehensive mockups
  • Is comfortable communicating clearly and often, because the problems we are solving can be complex
  • Is thorough in their work, internally motivated, and excited about Instrumental’s mission
  • Resonates with Instrumental’s cultural values: Play to Win, Be Helpful, and Work with Joy
  • Prior experience with manufacturing is not expected.
We’re a growing team that consistently works collaboratively, is supportive of each other, and is highly energized by the opportunity for large impact. We actively work to promote an inclusive environment, valuing passion and the ability to learn. You’re encouraged to apply even if your experience doesn’t precisely match the job description!
The following is a representative annual base salary range for this position within the Bay Area: $181,000 - $195,000. In addition, job level & salary opportunity is evaluated through our interview process – we review experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities of each applicant.
Instrumental is very proud to offer a highly-rated variety of benefits including: Health, Vision, Dental, Public Transit/Commuter Plans, and Maternity/Paternity Leave.
All candidates must have an unrestricted right to work in the U.S.